

Disclosures List

Consumer information for current and prospective students of Gracelyn can be accessed via the links below. For more information regarding these topics, you may contact our designated contact person, Jessica Bowman, Director of Admissions at (214) 764-6611.

Contact information for departments is given on the university’s Contact page.

Further description of this information, including legal compliance, method of disclosure, and the designated contact individual, is given in the “Additional Information” section below.

Notice of Availability of Institutional Information 

Consumer information for current and prospective students can be accessed via the links below.

This information is provided in compliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 and the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA).

The information below includes general institutional information, a notice of the availability of financial assistance, policies regarding financial aid, and a statement of students’ rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Distance Education Disclosure

Gracelyn University is a distance education institution. All programs are delivered online.

Method of Disclosure

A notice providing a link to all consumer disclosures at this location will be emailed to all students on their enrollment and at least once a year thereafter.

Contact Information for Assistance

Students may also contact Gracelyn University at 10000 N. Central Expressway, Suite 400, Dallas TX 75231, or email info@gracelyn.org to request a paper copy of these disclosures or for more information on any of these topics. Jessica Bowman, Director of Admissions, is the designated employee for disseminating this information.

Additionally, students may direct specific inquiries to other departments as described on the university’s Contact page.

General Disclosures

Student Outcomes

– Student Retention Rate for the 2023/2024 Academic Year was 92%.

– Course Completion Rate for the 2023/2024 Academic Year was 89%.

– Gracelyn’s first graduating class will be in 2025.

Program: Bachelor of Science in Transformational Christian Education SLO Performance 2023/2024

Student Learning Objective Categories Percent of Students Meeting Expectations
SLO 1: Written Communication Skills 94%
SLO 2: Oral Communication Skills 93%
SLO 3: Interpersonal and Team Skills 95%
SLO 4: Disciplinary Knowledge Base (Models & Theories) 93%
SLO 5: Disciplinary Methods 97%
SLO 6: Disciplinary Applications 94%
SLO 7: Analysis and Use of Evidence 96%
SLO 8: Evaluation, Selection, and Use of Sources of Information 98%
SLO 9: Education Technology 91%
SLO 10: Culturally Responsive 97%
SLO 11: Biblical Application 96%

Gracelyn surveys students regularly to determine overall satisfaction with the program and to identify areas of improvement. The following three questions were part of the 2023/2024 annual student survey.

Student Satisfaction

1. 97% responded “Yes” to: All things considered, were you satisfied with your studies at Gracelyn?

2. 99% responded “Yes” to: Did you achieve, or will you have achieved upon completing your studies, the goals you had when you started this program?

3. 99% responded “Yes” to: Would you recommend these studies to a friend?


Gracelyn does not have any teacher preparation programs, and so is not required to provide a Teacher Preparation Program Report.

As a fully online institution, Gracelyn does not have any athletic programs, and so does not need to provide reporting in compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act or the athletics component of the Student Right-to-Know Act.

General Information


Voter Registration Information