

University Code of Conduct

We expect that all students will follow the following code of conduct. Failure to do so may result in dismissal:

  1. All students demonstrate courtesy for all others in regard to choice of language. Foul and abusive language does not help to build community, but tends to intimidate and alienate others. Our goal is that students encourage others.
  2. All students respect others by demonstrating love in confronting others. Each student has the right to confront those who they may have an issue with, but in so doing each student should do so in manner that helps to build community and not cause division.
  3. All students consider others when choosing their actions. Gracelyn University students are expected to obey University policies as a matter of respect for others in the community.
  4. Standards of conduct violations that may constitute grounds for termination include, but are not limited to, both the items above and the following:

Students may also receive penalties up to and including dismissal for violating our standards of academic integrity.

Copyright Infringement Policies and Sanctions

Computer Use and File Sharing

Due Process of Student Rights

In all cases involving student grievances, including academic dishonesty and breaches of the Gracelyn University Code of Conduct, the student charged or suspected shall, at a minimum, be accorded the following rights:

  1. A prompt investigation of all charges conducted, insofar as possible, in a manner that prevents disclosure of the student’s identity to persons not involved in the offense or the grievance process.  Investigations may include informal review and discussion with an official of the school prior to bringing a charge, provided that such review does not compromise the rights of the student in the formal process.
  2. Reasonable written notice of the facts and evidence underlying the rule violation.
  3. Reasonable written notice of the procedure by which the accuracy of the charge will be determined.
  4. Reasonable time within which to prepare a response to the charge prior to the implementation of any sanctions.