

ADA Policy, Learning Accommodations & Disabilities Services

Disability Policy

Gracelyn University is in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). If students have a qualified disability under these acts, including intellectual disabilities, they may contact the Gracelyn University Student Services office at student.services@gracelyn.org to request any reasonable accommodations they may need.

Along with their request, students are required to submit supporting medical documentation of their disability to student.services@gracelyn.org. While relevant faculty members may be informed about accommodations that have been granted to a student with a disability, all personal documentation related to that disability is kept confidential, as with all student records, and is accessible only by authorized administrators and staff.

This documentation should include at minimum the following:

It would be helpful if it also included information on the overall barriers and problems that the student may have in college.

We aim to make all reasonable accommodations for disabilities, but note that we are not able to grant accommodations until we have specific documentation of a disability. One example is our late policy accommodations for students with documented disabilities. If you have any questions about our policies and services for students with disabilities, email student.services@gracelyn.org.

Students with disabilities may review this

Recommended Resources

Students with learning disabilities may find the following resources and software tools helpful. Some may also be helpful for students with vision issues.