

At Gracelyn University, learning goes beyond textbooks. Our ‘Complete Immersion’ approach integrates Bloom’s Taxonomy with Wisdom and Faith, creating a truly transformative educational experience.
What is Complete Immersion?
Complete Immersion’ at Gracelyn University means engaging deeply with your studies through a unique framework that combines rigorous academic standards with a biblical perspective. We believe this approach equips you not only with knowledge but with the wisdom and faith needed to make a lasting impact.

At Gracelyn, we believe that using Bloom’s Taxonomy plus two additional factors (Wisdom & Faith) is the best of methods to ensure a complete and thorough immersion in a topic.

You will have the opportunity to:

Remember content that you’ve read, researched, listened to and/or watched on video
Understand the uses of this content and knowledge
Apply those uses if you are a paraprofessional
Analyze the use of the course content and examine potential impacts on your teaching
Evaluate and validate your knowledge on the topic
Create additional applications and uses for your new knowledge
Discern how this knowledge will improve your performance
Connect your faith and biblical truth to the implications and use of this knowledge

5 Things You’ll Love about Gracelyn
There are many reasons that students choose Gracelyn.  For most, affordably, online courses, accelerated completion possibilities and direct application to teaching make Gracelyn the right choice.  As a university that is obsessed with student success, our main goal is to ensure that all types of learners can benefit from their Gracelyn experience. See the top five reasons that students love their experience at Gracelyn.
1. Graduate Faster
Accelerate your learning and pay less.
At Gracelyn, our tuition model is among the lowest in the country. Our flat monthly tuition payment makes it possible for all students to access the teaching degree they desire.
Read more about tuition and financial aid

2. Online and Fully Supported by Mentors
Never alone. Mentors and student communities.
Just because you’re getting your degree online, it doesn’t mean that you’re alone. Gracelyn has mentors who are with you every step of the way, from the day you enroll to the day you graduate. You can also join student communities to connect, network, and interact with other students, helping you along your path.
Read more about student support

3. Fit School into Your Life Instead of Forcing Your Life into School
Setting a schedule that works for you.
No set class times. No need to log in for live discussions.  Grcaelyn’s courses are truly flexible so you can do your coursework any time you want. Early in the morning, at night, over the weekend—any time can be school time with Gracelyn. Create time to do your courses when it works for your life, not the other way around.
Read more about time management

4. Learning Whenever and Wherever You Want
Resources whenever and wherever you need them.
With an online university like Gracelyn, you can access your textbook and course material anywhere you have internet access at any time. This is crucial in allowing students to have the flexibility they need to make their schooling fit with their lives, anywhere they are. You can access your coursework in the middle of the day or night, on vacation or at home.
Learn more about the student resources

5. Focused on Learning
Proving mastery
Gracelyn’s unique learning model is focused directly on your knowledge. With Gracelyn, you are given feedback and the opportunity to master a subject.  That may mean that at times you have the opportunity to resubmit an assignment to improve your grade.  That may mean the feedback you receive when applied to your next assignment will increase your ability to earn a higher grade.
Learn more about your courses