

Gracelyn University students share a common mission, to see all children reach the potential that God has placed in them.  Many of our students are working adults, providing for their families and serving children at the same time.  Some of our students are single parents.  Some of our students are facing health challenges, family struggles, financial obstacles and a host of other issues that could keep them from accomplishing their dreams.

We exist to serve each of these students.  We exist to provide extra care and support to those that have the heart to teach and need encouragement, flexibility and grace to win this race.

How many of our children will face huge challenges while they are in the school?  Don’t we want to be the type of teachers, instructors, leaders that listen to their hurts, their needs and show them they have value, they have dignity?

If you want to be the type of teacher that sees the child that everyone else ignores, we want to partner with you.  If you want to be the teacher that is the first to call a parent to tell them how honored you are to have their child in your class, we want to walk with you.  If you want to be the teacher that helps your students perform to a level that no one believed was possible, please join us.